I want to have a nice body but not as much as I want dessert

Monday, July 11, 2011

Got cake mix?

I will be doing my brothers Wedding cake here in about 4 weeks. I have been stocking up on cake mix and powder sugar. GASP....yes...I will be using box cake mix. I felt kinda guilty at first for choosing to do box cake but then I thought I really haven't met a box cake I didn't like. I honestly can't usually tell the diffrence and concidering I have 3 kids ( 7yrs, 2yrs, and 5mos) and my husband and I are both in the wedding AND I am doing the cake and 400+ cupcakes that I should probably take the quickest, easiest route. ( I will be making my own buttercream so that counts for something right?)

I'm not gonna lie.. I am getting a little nervous. We have planned what I am going to do for the cake and cupcakes I just hope it all comes together the way I have it pictured in my head. I just gotta keep telling myself " I know I can, I know I can" Right?

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