I want to have a nice body but not as much as I want dessert

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cake Batter Rice Crispy Treats

I always like a new idea to spruce up rice krispy bars. I was needing something quick and easy to bring to a last minute get family get together. I saw this on Pintrest and it drew me in!

Cake Batter Rice Crispy Treats

3 Tbs butter

1 (10 oz) bag mini marshmallows

1/4 C yellow cake mix ( I used 1/3 C... thought it needed a little more )

6 C. rice crispy cereal

1 (1.75 oz) container sprinkles

Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat; add marshmallows. Stir until they begin to melt, adding in cake mix one spoonful at a time so it's combined. Stir in ceral so it is completly covered in marshmallow mixture. Stir in half of the sprinkles. Press into a 9x13 baking dish and top with remaining sprinkles. Let set 30 minutes before cutting. Eat and enjoy!

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