I want to have a nice body but not as much as I want dessert

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My baking secrets

When I bake I like to do it the quickest way possible. Partly because I am lazy and partly because I want to get to that yummy chocolatey finish line.
I NEVER ever mix dry ingredients ahead of time. I just mix the dry stuff into the wet stuff. This would fit into my lazy reasoning. I just don't want to dirty any more dishes then I need to. ( and I even have a dishwasher ha)
I also never whisk my eggs before adding them to the mixture like some recipes say...oh and I never sift my flour or powder sugar. Everything turns out fine...except when it doesn't ;)
Once my dough or batter is complete I always put some in a bowl for me to eat. Sometimes I put to much in my personal bowl so that when my finished product is ready I don't even want to eat it. Im to full of dough or batter :) Oops! I used to just lick the beater when I was done but now that I have kids I have to give the beaters to them. Every once in awhile I will tell them that it is icky just so I can lick it for once.... is that mean?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley! I am looking forward to trying some of your recipes! Unless you will deliver to my house or to school :)
